Thursday, October 22, 2009

FSB 23.10.09 CKCU Funding Drive Launches this Friday!

Support the Special Blend and your favourite independent station by pledging donations online, by phone or in person. If you can't give now, help spread the word!

Here are 5 reasons why you should donate to CKCU:

  • Operations. CKCU is listener-run on annual donations, both monetary and the invaluable donation of time by myriad volunteers (yours truly included). Last year's donations are helping us improve broadcast technology in order to bring you the best programming possible.

  • News. We are the only station in Ottawa that brings you top quality news programming through the BBC World Service.

  • Personal. Each program is volunteer-run with a real person, not a computer, in studio. This is LIVE radio.

  • Local and Global. The Friday Special Blend is one of many programmes mandated to support local emerging artists, keeping YOU connected to YOUR community. See my earlier post about how vibrant Ottawa culture really is. The station also hosts a vast collection of ethnic programmes that help migrants and visitors stay connected to their linguistic and cultural communities, while allowing others an opportunity to learn about those communities. CKCU is streamed live on the internet and we have Special Blend listeners from as far away as Glens Falls, NY and Sarasota, Fl.

  • Free speech. CKCU hosts are willing to present alternative views and foster discussions you can't get from other stations. This is not sanitized, water-cooler radio.
To Donate:
  • Complete the secure online donation form
  • Call (613) 520-2898.
  • Drop off your donation in person on Carleton University's campus
  • If you would like to donate specifically to the Special Blend, please write "Special Blend" on the memo line of your cheque, or let the volunteer know your intentions when you call.

My Story: Seeking community? CKCU!

It was August 2008. I came home from overseas graduate studies burned out and unsure of my future. The one thing I was certain about was my dedication and desire to resume community involvement. Lucky for me, my co-host, Susan, was looking for a way to breathe some new insights into her show. Bang! A fabulous partnership was born. In my year at CKCU I have met and been inspired by countless artists. Our 8 weekly interview slots are booked solid week after week, truly a testament to the depth and breadth of Ottawa's arts scene. I have watched Ottawa's amazing culture scene grow, and even have been moved to participate in the growth by acting, publishing poetry, and attending the most awesome events, like Capital Slam. Volunteering at CKCU was an anchor in unsteady waters.
"From my own experience as a listener, I have often looked forward to my favourite programs and have fond memories of setting aside time to listen, laugh and engage. I grew up listening (and dancing) to CKCU programmes such as the Latin Train, Caribbean Rhythms and Barrio Latino with my mom and the Vinyl Cafe on CBC on Saturday mornings with my dad."
-Vanessa Davies, Co-Producer, Co-Host, Friday Special Blend

Now, I consider myself lucky to be among a great slate of volunteers and staff who bring you quality radio. I wake up joyfully every Friday morning at 6:00 a.m., long before the sun, pick up my co-host and Bridgehead coffee, and jump into the studio excitedly. The two hours fly by and I feel refreshed and reenergized before I start a Friday at the office. I love volunteering with CKCU and am so lucky to be able to give back the community that has done so much to support me and other countless artists.

Support the station that supports your community: Donate Now!

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