Friday, November 18, 2011

Pax in Terra: Capital Chamber Choir Concert next week

This fall, I had the privilege of joining the Capital Chamber Choir's soprano section. Having discovered the choir in 2009 when I interviewed them in my capacity as co-producer of CKCU's Friday Special Blend, I have since followed them closely, attended concerts and even encouraged my talented housemate to audition for them. I found their approach, repertoire and professionalism refreshing in Ottawa's choral landscape.

It is with that introduction then, as a previous spectator, that I invite you to our concert next week, November 25, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. at All Saints' Anglican Church in Sandy Hill. Tickets range between $10 and $20 and will be available at the door.

We will be performing works by Canadian composers, Timothy Corlis, Dominic Patriquin and Eleanor Daley, in addition to classical works by de Victoria and Biebl.

I hope you will let us enchant you!